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  • 资源简介:清华幼儿英语启蒙动画48集全
  • 详细描述


    01.0a_Unit01 Hello. mp4
    02.0a_Unit02 Bubble. mp4
    03.0a_Unit03 Kangaroo. mp4
    04.0a_Unit04 I Can Fly. mp4
    05.0a_Unit05 Giddy Up Horsey. mp4
    06.0a_Unit06 Driving in My Car. mp4
    07.0a_Unit07 Lollipop. mp4
    08.0a_Unit08 Walking. mp4
    09.0a_Unit09 Three Little Ducks. mp4
    10.0a_Unit10 Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!. mp4
    11.0a_Unit11 Little Squirrel. mp4
    12.0a_Unit12 Hppy New Year. mp4
    13.0b_Unit01 Jack-in-the-box. mp4
    14.0b_Unit02 Merry-go-round. mp4. mp4
    15.0b_Unit03 Big Bad Bug. mp4
    16.0b Unit04 The Little Green Frog.mp4
    17.0b_Unito5 Handy Dandy.mp4
    18.0b_Unit06 Dinosaur.mp4
    19.0b Unit07 Witch in a Jar.mp4
    20.0b_Unit08 Egg Fun.mp4
    21.0b Unit09 Turtle and Snail.mp4
    22.0b Unit10 The Firemen.mp4
    23.0b_Unit11 Johnny Johnny.mp4
    24.0b_Unit12 Seesaw.mp4
    25.1A. Unit1_little bee.mp4
    26.1A. Unit2_pee-kaa-boo.mp4
    27.1A. Unit3 gobble gobble.mp4
    28.1A. Unit4 now tall now small.mp4
    29.1A. Unit5_four little baby ducks.mp4
    30.1A. Unit6_cats. mp4
    31.1A. Unit7_walking, walking. mp4
    32.1A. Unit8_teddy bear. mp4
    33.1A. Unit9_little mouse. mp4
    34.1A. Unit10 london bridge is falling d. mp4
    35.1A. Unit11_jonny hammers. mp4
    36.1A. Unit12_the chimmney. mp4
    37.1B. Unit1_good morning train. mp4
    38.1B. Unit2_i'm hungry. mp4
    39.1B. Unit3_big apple tree. mp4
    40.1B. Unit4_apple. mp4
    41.1B. Unit5_we' re marching. mp4
    42.1B. Unit6_here is the beehive. mp4
    43.1B. Unit7_where is thumbkin.mp4
    44.1B. Unit8_round the garden.mp4
    45.1B. Unit9_baby bye.mp4
    46.1B. Unit10_dance your fingers.mp4
    47.1B. Unit11_clap your hands.mp4
    48.1B. Unit12_round and round.mp4

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